The Art of Friendliness

"Don't wait for people to be friendly, show them how."

- Unknown

How often do you find yourself standing in line and don't think of saying hi or smiling at the cashier because you're waiting for her to smile at you?

Well, what are you waiting for?

Imagine you would say hello to everyone you meet with a smile and in turn, they will go on to say hello and smile to their  mother, brother or daughter, for a smile is contagious. 

You can start a chain of never-ending smiles. We don't know why people aren't always smiling but deep down we all want someone to smile at us. We don't know when was the last time someone smiled at the crossing guard or the bank teller; we can be the one. By being friendly you can be the one who reminds them of how far a smile could go.

By being kind to each other we can break the barriers we build between us. Barriers we build between people who are different to us, barriers between friends and even barriers within families. But with one small act of friendliness or caring they all melt away.

You can be the smile that keeps on giving or you can let the opportunity pass. Which one will you be?


  1. Touching. Im sure we can all think of that lonely time when we received that smile we so craved -well guys its payback time!

  2. I love this sooo much!!! I wish more people would be more friendly!!!!!

  3. thanks for the lovely reminder of the far-reaching effects of a small action on my part!


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