Everlasting Love

"As we grow old together, as we continue to change with age, there is only one thing that will never change... I will always keep falling in love with you."

-Karen Clodfelder 

As time goes on and things change, one thing might cross our mind from time to time; can love last forever? What is the secret to everlasting love?

Just like wine when tendered for properly, only gets stronger and better with time - so does love.

But how?


Respect is the cherry of the pie that holds two people through time.
When the romance of falling in love dissipates and life takes its toll; simple tasks become a challenge, what remains is the album on the top shelf that you can't get down, endless amounts of meds that have to be refilled and bending down to get that pot from the bottom shelf. All that is left is love.

Times change, things change, yet can love withstand it all?


  1. Things in life might (and will!) get hard. Without love it's impossible to get through it.

  2. Brochie SchoenfeldMay 4, 2018 at 12:15 AM

    Very profound ,something to think about. Great photography.

  3. At first I disagreed, I thought love was about constantly working and giving to your spouse . But as I thought about how much work goes into my relationship with my husband, I realized that all the work and effort is only because of respect. If I would not respect my husband I would never being doing all this work!!!

  4. I love the comparison between wine and love. I think that it's so true. Love can only grow stronger when there is respect in the relationship. No matter what they go through, when there is respect, they can only grow closer together.

  5. Chana Dussy PlatovskyMay 13, 2018 at 11:14 AM

    hey gramps and grandmas (this pictures making me tear up!!!). This picture shows what real love is all about . i myself am in shana rishona and i truly hope that my relationship will be the same. keep up all the good work esty ( i love u!!!).

  6. A great picture of the most amazing couple!! And yes - respect is the basis of all good relationships/


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