My Workmate, My Friend

"Chance made us colleagues but our craziness made us friends." 

- Unknown

No matter how long your day feels, how annoying your boss might be, or how overworked you are - you will always find a way to brighten your co-workers' day by just being there.

Have you ever sat at your desk and just felt grateful to have your co-workers around?

The appreciation and admiration between workmates is what keeps a person going. Even if you start off shy and reserved; you end up having a lot more in common than just work. The amount of time spent at work is often more than the amount of time spent sleeping, eating or socializing and the mutual understanding between each other is unparalleled. 

From bringing a batch of homemade cookies to work, running errands when you just can't get to it or when she needs a listening ear, the connection stretches above and beyond work. 
There is no greater blessing than a true friend, but how much more meaningful is it when you can take your colleague home?


  1. Nice picture. So true about having a good friend who works with you. Hope they manage to get work done also, beside having fun (Just kidding!).

  2. Chana Dussy PlatovskyMay 31, 2018 at 7:06 PM

    Omg now this is a relationship that's real special If only everyone had good relationships with their colleagues the world would be a much better place

  3. This is so true! How much easier and enjoyable work is when you're working with friends, not only colleagues. These people share the same boss as you so they can relate to your work struggles like no one else can. And whatever you're going through in your personal life, they'll still be there for you, whether in times of sadness or happiness.


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