My Little Sister's Love

"No matter how old you'll get, you'll always be my little sister. The world is a better place with you in it." 

- Unknown

Do you remember when your mother handed you your little sister for the first time, wrapped in her soft pink blanket and your heart skipped a beat?

As she grows, so do the responsibilities; from chasing her around the grocery store, to braiding her hair for school - the happiness only grows. The more you are able to give, the more you are able to love. She steals a part of your heart that no one can replace.

As she grows up and learns to stand on her own feet, nevertheless she knows she can always count on you. You'll be there to give her a Band-Aid and kiss her boo-boo away, you'll be there to tell her stories when she can't fall asleep and you'll be there to guide her when she doesn't know where to turn.

When the time comes and you're on the receiving end; she will always be your little sister but will she be proud enough to call you her friend?


  1. I think it's a very mature, beautiful and deep perspective. It's how you see it. It's so charming as it is by you. By me, I'm on the receiving end -my younger siblings are the one giving me. I see myself being able to give back to them because they gave me so much!!!!

  2. Love this!!! I'm an older sister and love how what was once a 'giving' relationship with my younger sister eventually turns into the best friendship.

  3. Stunning picture!
    There's a lot of truth in what is said. My sisters really give to me because I gave to them. But I wonder - Is it cuz they feel they have to? Or cuz of real love?

  4. Chana Dussy PlatovskyMay 23, 2018 at 8:57 PM

    Omg omg this is adorable my youngest sister is 4 wanna take pics of me and her? Keep up the great work esti
    Ps I looove the idea of sisters relationship I'm gonna ask my teen sisters to check this out

  5. I don't have any little sisters but I always wished that I did. I know that my older sister tries to be there for me, and I truly hope that one day we'll be best of friends.

  6. omg i m in love, its brilliant!!!!!!!!
    esti your unreal!!!!


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