Receiving is Giving

"Giving is better than receiving because giving starts the receiving process."

- Jim Rohn

We have all experienced the joy of giving; the feeling you get when helping someone else out. But when was the last time you allowed someone to help you?

When was the last time you accepted your workmates offer to release you from some of your work, a ride from a friend or a hand to help you with your heavy bags?

We all want to be on the giving end - no one likes to be at the receiving end and we think that by accepting help from other people we are taking. However, it's the exact opposite. Through receiving you are giving because when you receive - you give. You give someone else the gift and pride of giving. By accepting help, friendship, and compassion you are empowering others to be givers.

We are all givers, that's just what we are. We enjoy giving to others what we think they need, what we think they lack. But what if the only thing they lack is the ability to give? Through receiving we have given them more than they can ever get.

It might not feel right, perhaps your pride gets in the way, yet you only learn how to truly give once you have received. Only through getting are you able to give with the knowledge and understanding of what it is like to be in the other person's shoes. 

Will you become a giver by allowing yourself to receive?


  1. Accepting help creates relationships. For a relationship to mold, you need to have both people giving and receiving from each other. Also they having open communication is very crucial that last to come in order to build the relationship. Open communication is where you are open to listen and hear the other person. It creates a vibe of caring.

    1. The only way we can give with a full heart is after being on the recieving end, once we know what feel likes. And just like you said, the same is true when a person is trying to speak and is not being heard. You know what its like not to be heard, so you be the one to really listen with heart!

  2. Wow! That's really eye opening, I never thought of it like that .


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